The 8th Life Science Conference - JSV2023
Contribution of Life Sciences to the One Health Concept
August 02-04, 2023 at the University of Dschang, Cameroon

CAFOBIOS: Cameroon Forum for Biological Sciences

CAFOBIOS is a scientific association created in 2004 to promote life sciences through the organization of workshops and conferences, and the publication of scientific results in its official peer review Journal, the Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology.

JSV: Journées des Sciences de la Vie / Life Science Conference

JSV is a scientific event that brings together in a transversal way researchers, stakeholders and students from various fields of research in life sciences.

CaJEB: Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology

CaJEB is the official pear review journal of CAFOBIOS. It is an interdisciplinary journal for the publication of original research papers, short communications and review articles.
JSV 2021 at the University of Dschang







About Publications

The Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology (CaJEB) welcomes contributions in all fields of experimental biology including (but not limited to):

It is a biannual journal for the publication of original research papers, short communications and review articles.

Effet de différentes sources d’azote sur la croissance et le rendement du haricot commun (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) à l’Ouest Cameroun

Etienne T Pamo, Benoit Boukila, Christopher M Tankou, Fernand Tendonkeng, Jean-Raphael Kana, Apolite D Loudjom

Effects of supplementation with leaves of Calliandra calothyrsus and Leucaena leucocephala on goat production performance during dry and rainy seasons in the western highlands of Cameroon

Benoit Boukila, Etienne T Pamo, Florence A Fonteh, Fernand Tendonkeng, Jean-Raphael Kana, Amarji S Nanda

Effect of castration and protein level of diet on the growth performance of piglets

Aziwo T Niba, Benoît Boukila, Florence A Fonteh, Joseph Djoukam, Joseph Tchoumboue, Fabrice N Ngoua

Effects of salinity on growth, water content and distribution of Na+ and K+ in the organs of Avicennia germinans L. seedlings

Victor D Taffouo, Théophile Fonkou, Martin Kenne, Oscar W Fotsop, A Amougou