The 8th Life Science Conference – JSV2023 - CAFOBIOS

The 8th Life Science Conference – JSV2023

University of Dschang, Cameroon
2nd August 2023

Welcome to the 8th Life Sciences Days in the Western Highlands of Cameroon

Dear Colleagues,

We are glad to extend this invitation to you on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee for the 8th Life Sciences Days conference (JSV2023) that the Cameroon Forum for Biological Sciences (CAFOBIOS) is hosting at the campus of the University of Dschang in August 02–04, 2023.

Like in past conferences, we will welcome scientists from various disciplines to brainstorm together for three days around the contribution of life sciences to the One Health Concept. To this end, discussions will place a strong emphasis on knowledge of biodiversity, the fight against diseases, resilience strategies, and the impact of agriculture, food, anthropogenic and environmental factors, and regulations on the health of humans, animals, and ecosystems.

In order to promote a much more comprehensive and unified vision of health for sustainable development, CAFOBIOS seeks to bring together researchers from various backgrounds, students, and partners from industry and health sectors all over the world in a conducive environment.

Dschang is a historic city in the Western Highlands of Cameroon with a gorgeous relief displaying a large altitudinal variation, dominated by hills and valleys. Its cool and low-humidity climate, as well as its rich cultural treasures, make this city a very popular resort area. Among the tourist attractions are the « musées des civilisations, » the Mami Wata Waterfall, the Artisanal Center, and the « Route des chefferies. »

We do believe that the pleasant climate of Dschang, as well as the culture of the Grassfields, which will welcome you, will make your stay pleasant on the campus of the University of Dschang which is one of the best universities in Central Africa.

Pè Zeh lè Shick

Prof. NGUELEFACK-MBUYO PAMI Elvine                                Prof. FONKOU Théophile

        President of the LOC                                             President of CAFOBIOS